Licence to Keep a Dangerous Substance - South Australia


You will need this licence if you intend to keep or store dangerous substances.

A licence is needed for the following prescribed quantities of dangerous substances:

  • Class 2.1 liquefied petroleum gas: Over 250 kilograms that is contained in cylinders or tanks. However, no licence is required for any quantity provided that it is contained in a disposable non-refillable container.
  • Class 3 flammable liquids: Over 120 litres of Packing Group I or II substances, or over 1200 litres of Packing Group III substances. However, no licence is required for a quantity up to 5000 litres of Packing Group, I, II or III substances where they are stored on premises which are: Over two hectares, involved in a rural industry, compliant with Australian standard AS 1940 and is kept clear of combustible vegetation or refuse for a distance of not less than 3 metres from the storage area.
  • Class 6 toxic substances and Class 8 corrosive substances: Over 250 litres or kilograms of Packaging Group I substances. Over 2000 litres or kilograms of Packaging Group II substances. Over 5000 litres or kilograms of Packaging Group III substances.

Please contact the agency for specific information on what constitutes each class of dangerous substance.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Please contact the agency to identify any eligibility requirements.


12 months


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Licence All -

Annual fee for each dangerous substances class 2 licensed premises in which the aggregate capacity of tanks, packaging and cylinders:

  • LPG exceeds 560 litres (water capacity) but not exceeding 20 kilolitres - $232.00
  • LPG exceeds 20 kilolitres (water capacity) but not exceeding 100 kilolitres - $656.00
  • LPG exceeds 100 kilolitres (water capacity) - $1062.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All -

Annual fee for each dangerous substance class 3 (including motor spirit) licensed premises in which the aggregate capacity of tanks, packaging and cylinders:

  • exceeds 120 litres but not exceeding 1 kilolitre - $121.00
  • exceeds 1 kilolitre but not exceeding 25 kilolitres - $232.00
  • exceeds 25 kilolitres but not exceeding 250 kilolitres - $570.00
  • exceeds 250 kilolitres but not exceeding 2500 kilolitres - $1949.00
  • exceeds 2500 kilolitres but not exceeding 10,000 kilolitres - $6554.00
  • exceeds 10,000 kilolitres - $10,782.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All -

Annual fee for each dangerous substances classes 6 and 8 licensed premises in which the aggregate capacity of tanks, packaging and cylinders:

  • does not exceed 1000 - $121.00 
  • exceeds 1000, but not exceeding 25,000 - $232.00 
  • exceeds 25,000, but not exceeding 250,000 - $570.00
  • exceeds 250,000, but not exceeding 2,500,000 - $1949.00
  • exceeds 2,500,000 - $6554.00.

Fees for 2024-25

General Duplicate Certificate All $133.00

Fees for 2024-25

Application process


Your application for this licence must be accompanied by:

  • the name, class, quantity and packing group of the dangerous substance
  • details on how the dangerous substance will be stored
  • a detailed site plan
  • any other information required by the agency.

Administering agency

SafeWork SA

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.