Underground Mine / Quarry Manager Competencies - South Australia


If you operate a mine or quarry in South Australia, you will need to ensure your mine manager meets the general competency requirements. These include:

  • the relevant training, qualifications, experience, knowledge and skills to manage and supervise the relevant mining operations
  • having knowledge of the legislated work health and safety requirements
  • being capable of managing hazards in mines.

If you operate an underground mine with 20 or more workers, you must comply with the general competency requirements above, as well as being satisfied that the mine manager:

  • has at least five years' experience working in mines
  • has at least three years' experience working in an underground mine with at least two years underground mining operational experience and experience supervising underground mining operations
  • has a degree or diploma in mining engineering.

If you operate a quarry with 20 or more workers, you must comply with the general competency requirements above, as well as being satisfied that the person:

  • has at least three years of practical experience in quarrying, including at least one year quarrying operational experience and experience supervising quarry operations
  • has a degree in mining engineering or a diploma in surface operation management.

Service type

Regulatory Obligation

An obligation defined in law. A business must comply with relevant services.

Administering agency

SafeWork SA

Contact details

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