You will need this accreditation if you intend to provide services and advice as a bushfire hazard practitioner.
Bushfire hazard practitioners are accredited by the agency to provide advice on matters relating to planning and building in bushfire prone areas. Accredited practitioners may provide the following advice and services:
- inspection of sites to determine the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)
- determination of bushfire protection measures
- preparation of bushfire hazard reports
- preparation of Bushfire Hazard Management Plans (BHMP's)
- where appropriate, certification that a BHMP complies with the planning requirements of the Bushfire-Prone Areas Code
- certification that a BHMP complies with the Requirements for Building in Bushfire-Prone Areas, or that the development is exempt due to insufficient increase in risk.
Bushfire Hazard Management Plans contain details about developments planned in bushfire prone areas and may contain information such as:
- where the planned development will be located
- construction design and building materials to be used
- ongoing maintenance that may be required to minimise bushfire hazards.
Applicants are initially provisionally accredited and must participate in a training and mentoring program, usually for one year until full accreditation can be obtained.