You will need this certification if you intend to undertake any forest practice on any land. A forest practice is considered to be any of the following:
- harvesting and regenerating native forest
- harvesting and / or establishing plantations
- clearing trees for other purposes, including agriculture
- clearing and converting threatened native vegetation communities
- constructing roads and quarries for the above purposes
- harvesting tree ferns.
A forest practices plan contains the following information:
- specifications of forest practices being carried out
- plan for restocking the land with trees
- if harvesting tree ferns, the name of harvester, the number of ferns and the period of time for harvesting
- if clearing land: the identity, number and location of any threatened native vegetation community and details of replacement or development works
- if harvesting timber, the name of the timber processor
- the period that forest practices will be carried out and the period for which the plan is to remain in force.