Energy Retailer Authorisation - Tasmania


You will need this authorisation if you intend to engage in the retail sale of electricity. Retailer authorisations are normally required where:

  • the seller's core business is the sale of electricity
  • the seller's primary relationship with its customers is the sale of electricity and the seller has no other, or an otherwise minor, relationship with the customer (for example, it does not also have a landlord / tenant relationship)
  • the seller intends to sell to many customers and/or sell a large volume of energy.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.


There are some situations where a retailer authorisation is not necessary or appropriate, and a person selling energy may be exempt from the requirement to have an authorisation. The Exempt Selling Guideline sets out the agency's approach to retail exemptions, including details of the types of activities which are exempt from the requirement to hold a retailer authorisation.

Eligibility requirements

You must satisfy the following three criteria to obtain a retailer authorisation:

  • organisational and technical capacity - the applicant must have the necessary organisational and technical capacity to meet the obligations of a retailer
  • financial resources - the applicant must have resources or access to resources so that it will have the financial viability and financial capacity to meet the obligations of a retailer
  • suitability - the applicant must be a suitable person to hold a retailer authorisation.


A retailer authorisation does not expire. It will continue until it is surrendered or revoked.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
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You do not need to pay any fees.


Act(s) name

National Energy Retail Law (Tasmania) Act 2012 Tasmania

Regulation(s) name

National Energy Retail Law (Tasmania) Regulations 2012 Tasmania

Lodgement process


Applications must be submitted both in writing and electronically via email.

Approval time

The AER aims to process applications for authorisation within 12 to 16 weeks of receiving all required information.

Administering agency

Australian Energy Regulator

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.