To be eligible for this licence you must:
- be at least 18 years old
- be a fit and proper person
- have a genuine reason to possess or use a firearm
- have a need for a particular category of firearm
- have satisfactorily completed an approved firearms safety course.
You are deemed to have a genuine reason if you are:
- a member of a sport or target shooting club
- undertaking recreational hunting or vermin control
- primary producer
- undertaking animal population control
- involved in animal welfare
- involved in a business or employment as a firearms dealer, security agent or security guard
- a commercial fishermen (for such purposes as discharging seal deterrent ammunition)
- operating a paintball business
- involved in firearms collection
- showing or exhibiting firearms (museum).
Applying for a firearms licence for personal protection, the protection of family or property protection is not deemed to be a genuine reason.
It is a condition of this licence that the licence holder is familiar, and willing to comply with, all relevant and current state and commonwealth legislation.