Food Safety Supervisor Requirement - Tasmania


Certain food services, caterers and retail businesses must appoint at least one Food Safety Supervisor.

The Food Safety Supervisor requirement applies to businesses who handle and sell food that is:

  • unpackaged (at some stage while under the business' control)
  • potentially hazardous (must be stored under temperature control for safety)
  • ready-to-eat (does not need further processing, such as heating or cooling, before being consumed)
  • sold direct to the customer (or another business) for immediate consumption.

Examples of businesses that generally need a Food Safety Supervisor are:

  • restaurants
  • cafes
  • takeaway shops
  • caterers
  • bakeries
  • market stalls and food vans
  • delicatessens
  • seafood retailers
  • supermarkets.

This is not a comprehensive list. The food handling activities that a business undertakes determine if a Food Safety Supervisor is required, not the business type. Moreover, businesses that only handle food for (or at) a fundraising event are not required to have a Food Safety Supervisor.

The Environmental Health Officer at your local council will tell you if your business must appoint a Food Safety Supervisor.

Appointing a Food Safety Supervisor

Businesses that are required to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) must do so before undertaking high risk food handling.

Your Food Safety Supervisor must:

  • be trained to recognise and manage food safety risks
  • have completed Food Safety Supervisor training with a Registered Training Organisation in the last 5 years
  • have the authority and ability to advise and supervise other food handlers
  • work on the premises and be involved in the day-to-day food handling operations of the business.

If the appointed FSS leaves the business, the business has 30 days to appoint a new eligible staff member as the FSS.

Food Safety Supervisor Training Requirements

Your Food Safety Supervisor must complete training:

  • with a Registered Training Organisation
  • in nationally recognised units of competency
  • every 5 years.

You can find more information about food safety supervisors including training requirements, on the Department of Health website.

Service type

Regulatory Obligation

An obligation defined in law. A business must comply with relevant services.

Act(s) name

Food Act 2003 Tasmania

Regulation(s) name

Food Regulations 2022 Tasmania

Administering agency

Department of Health

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.