To be eligible for this licence you must:
- be a fit and proper person
- hold a $20 million insurance policy
- provide any information required by the agency.
If you are applying for a:
- private hospital licence, you must specify the number of patients that can be accommodated overnight
- day-procedure centre licence, you must specify the number of rooms that will be provided
- residential care service licence, you must specify the number of residents that will be accommodated.
Prospective private hospital or day-procedure centre operators must have a director of nursing. A director of nursing is responsible for the care of patients on the premises and must be a registered nurse with the appropriate level of experience.
You may be granted an approval in principle for the maximum period of one year. An approval in principle is granted if there are conditions that need the design and construction of any building on the premises. An approval in principle can be extended. Once the conditions are met, a full licence can be granted.