Licence to Sell Certain Substances - Tasmania


You will need this licence if you operate a country store, are not a pharmaceutical chemist and intend to sell or supply:

  • hazardous poisons
  • medicinal poisons
  • potent substances.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence you must:

  • be a fit and proper person
  • operate a retail store that is open to the public and is situated at least 10 kilometres from the nearest practicable route from a registered pharmacy.


Up to twelve months


Licences expire on 31 December each year


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Licence All $46.75

Fees for 2024-25

Act(s) name

Poisons Act 1971 Tasmania

Regulation(s) name

Poisons Regulations 2018 Tasmania

Application process


You must lodge your initial application, supporting documentation and application fee by post.

Lodgement process


You must support your application with a certificate from a medical practitioner, magistrate or mayor of the area that you intend to conduct your business certifying that you are a fit and proper to sell the substances covered by this licence.

Approval time

Initial applications are assessed within 4-8 weeks but may be longer if additional information and/or a site visit is required. Subsequent uncomplicated and routine applications are assessed within 1-2 weeks.

Administering agency

Department of Health

Pharmaceutical Services Branch

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.