You will need this permit if you intend to take, posses, buy, sell or interfere with a whale or whale product. In relation to a whale, interference includes to chase, harass, herd, brand, tag, mark or any other conduct as deemed unfit by the agency.
Taking a whale encompasses the following activities:
- catching
- attracting
- tranquillising
- injuring
- poisoning
- killing.
This licence permits the following activities:
- taking or interfering with a whale for scientific purposes
- taking or interfering with a whale in the course of and incidental to commercial fishing or marine farming operations
- having a whale or whale product in your possession for the purpose of the preservation, conservation or protection of whales
- buying or selling whale products
- removing or allowing to be removed a product of a whale from the state.
The taking of whales is permitted in certain circumstances including unintentional acts or for other unavoidable or humane reasons. These circumstances are fully detailed within the legislation.