Scientific or Educational Wildlife Permit - Tasmania


You will need this permit if you intend to collect, disturb or undertake any research involving the collection or disturbance of protected wildlife in Tasmania. Protected wildlife includes:

  • all rare and threatened species
  • most native vertebrates
  • some introduced vertebrates
  • some native invertebrates
  • all animals on reserved land.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this permit, your application must be made to using the required permit application form and with all associated information requested attached, including:


  • a copy of your approved research application, with specific detail on the research objectives, benefits to the species and methodology proposed
  • a copy of your Animal Ethics Committee proposal and approval and any conditions imposed by AEC (if applicable)
  • a detailed summary of your research proposal to be published on website for public comment (please state why the research is being undertaken, where you are undertaking it, how many animals will be disturbed, and what methods are used).

Permission must be sought from the relevant land managers to access land. Before completing an application, please read the guidelines for issuing scientific and educational permits.


As specified


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Licence All

Please consult the Agency for information on fees to be submitted.


Other resources

Task Business Structure Resources
General Company, Co-operative, Other, Partnership, Sole Trader Guidelines for the Issuing of Scientific Permits - Fauna - PDF (Opens in new window)

Act(s) name

Nature Conservation Act 2002 Tasmania

Regulation(s) name

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulations 2021 Tasmania

Lodgement process


Please note that, as part of the process for issuing scientific permits, the community is invited to view and comment upon all new permit applications.

Approval time

20 business days

Administering agency

Department of Natural Resources and Environment

Natural and Cultural Heritage

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.