If you intend to buy, move or sell livestock (cattle, sheep, pigs or goats), the livestock must be accompanied by a vendor declaration form. This includes property to property sales and other changes of ownership.
A copy of the vendor declaration form must be kept by both the vendor and purchaser for a minimum of 2 years for cattle and pigs and 7 years for sheep and goats.
The vendor declaration form records movement information, including the address and property identification code (PIC) for the place of origin, whether or not the stock were bred at the place of origin and the address and the PIC for the destination. Information gathered via the vendor declaration form is then recorded onto the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) to ensure lifetime identification and traceability.
Most people will need to use the industry developed Livestock Production Assured (LPA) National Vendor Declaration (NVD) to ensure that your stock attracts the best price. The LPA Program is the Australian livestock industry's on-farm food safety program. You may need to use the accredited form to remain compliant with industry.
All pigs are required to be registered with PigPass. If you intend to move your pigs you will need a PigPass NVD.