You may require this approval if you intend to conduct works over an easement.
An easement is an area of land, or part of an allotment, reserved by law to allow provision of common state or municipal controlled infrastructure for a specific purpose, which may include:
- storm water drainage
- sewerage
- water supply, power, gas or telecommunications infrastructure
- overland flow paths for storm flows
- right of way for vehicles or pedestrians
- reserves for overhead power lines.
Council has categorised the types of structures or works that may be considered for this approval:
- type 1 - minor structures (things that can be easily removed)
- type 2 - minor structures (things that be removed with a bit of effort)
- type 3 - permanent structures (things which cannot be removed without substantial effort or may need to be demolished in order to access the asset or easement)
Examples of the types of structures or works that fall into these individual categories are outlined in the Building Over Easements Guidelines attached.