Club Permit - Victoria


You will require this permit if you intend to use an historic vehicle (more than twenty-five years old) and do not need full vehicle registration. The Victorian Club Permit scheme allows members of car clubs (including motorcycle, trailer / caravan and machinery clubs) that are recognised by the agency to make use of historic vehicles on the road network for a limited number of days per year.

Permits are available for:

  • veteran vehicles manufactured before 1 January 1919
  • vintage vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1918 and before 1 January 1931
  • classic and historic vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1930, but more than twenty-five years before the date of the application for a club permit.

These categories can include trailers, heavy vehicles, left-hand drive vehicles and modified vehicles such as street rods. Replicas of vehicles in the above-mentioned categories may also be issued with a club permit.

Club Permit vehicles can be used at any time for any purpose other than for the carriage of goods or passengers for hire or reward.

Financial members of approved clubs are able to apply for either a forty-five or ninety day permit at one time, depending on how much they expect to use their vehicles. However, no-one is able to have a Club Permit for longer than ninety days in each twelve month registration period.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants must be a member of a car club (including motorcycle, trailer / caravan and machinery clubs) that is recognised by VicRoads.

To apply for a Club Permit you will need to complete the application form and submit it together with either:

  • written verification by the club secretary (or person authorised by VicRoads) that the applicant for the club permit is a member of the car club
  • in the case of a club historic vehicle that is not a street rod, a current certificate of road-worthiness or a letter from a scrutineer authorised by the club, stating that the vehicle is safe for use on the road
  • in the case of an application made in respect of a street rod, a Street Rod Inspection certificate issued by the Australian Street Rod Federation (ASRF), Technical Advisory Committee. Club scrutineers can assist in this requirement.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

A logbook is issued to permit holders to record the use of the vehicle over the permit period. A log book entry must be made each day that the vehicle is used (unless the vehicle is within 100 metres of the garaged address). A logbook must be carried in the vehicle, or on the rider in the case of motorcycles, at all times the vehicle is in use.


Twelve months


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Fees may vary according to vehicle type and the amount of days registration is needed. Please contact the responsible agency for more information.

Act(s) name

Road Safety Act 1986 Victoria

Regulation(s) name

Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021 Victoria

Disqualified persons or entities

You will not be issued a club permit for vehicles which are currently registered, recorded as a statutory write-off, has a sheriff's office or hoon sanction or is recorded as stolen.

Administering agency

Department of Transport and Planning


Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.