To be eligible for this licence as an individual, you must:
- be at least eighteen years old
- be of good character and a fit and proper person
- not have been disqualified from holding an Estate Agent's Licence either in Victoria or another State or Territory
- have successfully completed the prescribed course for qualifications or equivalent to qualifications, or held a licence in Victoria within the last five years
- pay the prescribed fees.
You will also need to apply for special permission to hold an Estate Agent's Licence if:
- a claim has been admitted against you from the Victorian Property Fund
- you have, within the last ten years, been convicted or found guilty of any offence involving fraud, dishonesty, drug trafficking or violence which is punishable by imprisonment for three months or more (whether a sentence of imprisonment was imposed)
- you are insolvent under administration (note: if you are insolvent, and you are granted permission for an Estate Agent's Licence you can only work as an employee of an estate agency business during the insolvency).
In terms of training, for new entrants to the industry, the REIV provides entry-level courses including the Agent's Representative Course and Traineeship in Real Estate (Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate) CPP40307).
If you hold a current equivalent registration in another Australian State or Territory, or New Zealand, you may be eligible to apply for this registration under mutual recognition arrangements.
To be eligible for this licence as a corporation, you must:
- have a licensed estate agent as the officer in effective control
- not be under external administration or be disqualified from holding an Estate Agent's Licence (or equivalent) in Victoria or anywhere in Australia or overseas
- pay the prescribed fees.
The company will also need to apply for permission to hold an Estate Agent's Licence if any of its directors has had a claim allowed against the Victorian Property Fund; or it has been found guilty of or convicted of an offence involving fraud, dishonesty, drug trafficking or violence.