You will require this authority if you intend to operate an extractive industry. An extractive industry means the extraction of stone from land for sale, commercial use, or use of the stone in construction, building, road or manufacturing works. This includes the treatment of stone or manufacturing of bricks, tiles, pottery or cement products on or adjacent to the land from which the stone is extracted. Stone includes:
- sandstone, freestone or other building stone
- basalt, granite limestone or rock
- quartz
- slate or gravel
- clay
- peat
- sand, earth or soil
- other similar materials.
Authority is not required for the extraction of stone from farm land for purposes of constructing a dam or other farm works. This authority also does not apply to large scale extractive industries that involve a total surface area exceeding five hectares and a depth of more than five metres.
If your work authority applies to Crown land, you will be required to pay royalties for materials extracted. Please note that the consent of the responsible agency is required to search for stone on crown land.
This authority extends to the sea bed and its subsoil within the territorial limits of Victorian water.