You will require this permit if you intend to undertake any of the following activities:
- take or possess fish for research, education, fish management, aquaculture, compliance or scientific purposes
- take or possess fish from a developing fishery
- take or possess fish for a specified Indigenous cultural ceremony or event
- take or possess fish less / more than the minimum / maximum size
- take or possess fish more than the catch limit for that species
- carry out any research, exploitation, work or operation for the purpose of developing any fishery or aquaculture
- investigate any species of fish or any fishery or fishery device
- use specified abalone equipment and / or commercial fishing or aquaculture equipment
- use, form or create a habitat to hatch, rear, display or grow fish or fishing bait and/or breed or sell fish or fishing bait for commercial purposes
- receive or sell any fish of a specified priority species
- take, land, process, sell or possess fish that is so prohibited absolutely or during a specified period or season or in any waters or specified waters
- carry out an activity in a fishery.
The Secretary may waive the fees if they are satisfied that special cases apply. There are also levies on general permits for the taking of fish from:
- a banded morwong developing fishery
- a jellyfish developing fishery
- an urchin developing fishery.