Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Industry Licence - Victoria


You will require this licence if you intend to undertake activities relating to Greenhouse Gas Sequestration in on-shore Victoria. Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration refers to a process of capture and permanent storage of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in order to reduce emissions.

These activities include:

  • carrying out greenhouse gas sequestration formation exploration
  • carrying out greenhouse gas substance injection and monitoring in a particular area.

You will also require a special access authority in relation to the area on which these activities are to be taken place that allows the carrying out of additional activities. You may also require this authorisation in order to obtain the right to an underground geological storage formation identified as a suitable place for injection and permanent storage of greenhouse gas storage that although is not yet commercially viable will be within the next fifteen years.

An environmental plan must be in force before any activity can be carried out. Furthermore, operations must stop immediately if a new or increased environmental risk is identified.

Additional requirements apply to private property and areas of native title. Activities are not permitted in marine or wilderness sanctuaries.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence, you must:

  • provide all required details to the authority including discussion of feasibility, a community consultation plan and assurance that the project will pose no threat to public health or the environment
  • provide an assessment of the suitability of the underground geological storage formation
  • provide details of the nature and volume of the greenhouse gas substance proposed to be injected into the underground geological storage formation
  • lodge an approved work program specifying a date for commencement of commercial scale injection
  • hold all relevant technical qualification and experience that may be required by the authority
  • submit details of the financial resources available
  • pay any required fees.

Applications may also be requested by tender in which case you will be required to meet all criteria listed by the authority.


Ongoing eligibility requirements

If surrendering an Injection and Monitoring Licence you must provide all details of the project as required by the Agency including details of the licensed area and work that has been undertaken in that area; an assessment of the risk of leakage and a risk management plan.

The Minister must be notified immediately after the discovery of petroleum.


Licences are in force until cancelled or surrendered.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please consult the responsible agency for information on fees to be submitted with your application.


Act(s) name

Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration Act 2008 Victoria

Regulation(s) name

Greenhouse Gas Geological Sequestration Regulations 2019 Victoria

Application process


Your application must be in the approved form and accompanied by an approved work management program and any other details as required by the authority.

Administering agency

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

Earth Resources

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.