Highway Permit - Victoria


You will need this permit if you intend to:

  • conduct a foot or bike race or similar on Victorian roads including rolling road closures, or
  • collect money from vehicles on a public road at an intersection.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

If you are applying for a collection permit:

  • your application form must be submitted with council approval and a relevant certificate of insurance for the date of collection.
  • if there are any intersection on the borders of more than one council boundary, you must submit approval from both councils.

If you are applying for an event permit:

  • your application must be submitted with the event management plan and traffic management plan, and must include a clear map of the route/course
  • approvals from all relevant road authorities (council and VicRoads) and a relevant certificate of insurance for the date of event must be submitted before the permit will be issued.

Please view the application forms for more information about the conditions for this permit.


A permit is required for each event.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please consult the responsible agency for information on fees to be submitted.

Act(s) name

Road Safety Act 1986 Victoria

Regulation(s) name

Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019 Victoria

Approval time

Collection permit: at least 2 months. Event permit: at least 3 months.

Administering agency

Victoria Police

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.