Permit for Filming and Photography - City of Melbourne - Victoria


You will need this permit if you intend to conduct commercial filming or photography in a public place. This includes filming of television shows, movies, music videos and commercials, as well as still photography intended for sale or display. You may also need this permit for some non-commercial filming activities.

Commercial filming is the recording of images by film, video, digital or other means that are intended for broadcast or public exhibition. Types of public places where you may need a permit to film include:

  • roads and streets
  • beaches
  • cemeteries
  • museums and other cultural institutions
  • national parks
  • zoos
  • gardens
  • courthouses
  • ports
  • sporting facilities.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

If you are conducting commercial filming, you may also require a permit to use public spaces. You may also be required to submit proof of your public liability insurance.

There are two categories of filming activities: low impact and medium to high impact filming.

Low impact filming activities involve:

  • six people or fewer (includes all production crew and talent)
  • no more than one camera, one tripod, and handheld sound recording equipment
  • public safety being maintained at all times and public pathways, footpaths and roads must not be blocked.

For medium to high impact filming you will need:

  • full details of the location and estimated time of the proposed filming
  • full contact details of all involved
  • full contact details of the location safety officer and the qualifications they hold
  • full details of the production specifics
  • running sheet
  • details of any pedestrian management and/or traffic management plans
  • completed risk assessment
  • list of dangerous substances plus safety reports
  • site plans, including a map indicating location of parked vehicles
  • communication (stakeholder notification) plans
  • a copy of Public Liability Insurance for the filming activity.

Traffic Management Plans and Pedestrian Management Plans are to be provided where filming requires any degree of traffic or pedestrian management. These plans must comply with the requirements of the coordinating road authority given under the relevant legislation.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Fees will vary according to the location and length of time, please contact the responsible council for more information.


Act(s) name

Local Government Act 2020 Victoria

Local law(s) name

Activities Local Law 2024

Lodgement process


Please submit your application and any associated documentation directly to the Council.

Approval time

Five working days, or seven working days if it involves traffic management

Additional information

You may also need to submit a Police Notification form to Victoria Police if your filming involves the use of firearms, weapons, special effects, UAVs, traffic management, mock police scenes or scenes that may cause public concern.

Administering agency

City of Melbourne

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.