You will require a permit if you intend to undertake activities in an area that may have been infected with an exotic disease. There are two types of permit: Entry or Exit permits, and Restricted Area Activity permits.
Entry or Exit permits apply to infected places or vehicles. The Agency may declare that a particular place, premises or area within Victoria is an infected place, if it is suspected to be infected with an exotic disease.
You will require an entry or exit permit if you intend to:
- enter or leave an infected place
- move livestock to, from or within an infected place
- drive a vehicle that has been declared to be an infected vehicle.
You will require a Restricted Area Activity permit if you intend to undertake activities in a restricted area. The Minister may declare any land, premises, place or area to be a restricted area if it suspects that there is a possibility that an exotic disease is present or may be introduced. Different prohibitions, restrictions and requirements may apply in each restricted area. A permit may be required for a range of activities including moving livestock, livestock products or fodder fittings.
The purpose of these permits is to control the spread of exotic diseases. Declarations of infected places and restricted areas are published in the Government Gazette and in newspapers in circulation in the infected area.