Permit to Drive Vehicles on Public Areas other than Roads - City of Monash - Victoria


You will require this permit if you intend to drive a vehicle in a public place other than on a road. This includes accessing private property through a public place, and entering or exiting a building site by means other than an established vehicle crossing. A public place means all land owned, leased, managed or occupied by a public body, including Council.

Please consult the Contact Officer for more information.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.


Exemptions may apply for emergency vehicles such as police cars, fire trucks and ambulances.

Eligibility requirements

You will be required to hold a current public liability insurance policy with a minimum of $20 million cover.


As specified on the permit.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All -

Commercial rental of reserve. Fees range between $1000.00 and $2000.00, please consult the responsible council for information on the correct fees to be submitted with your application. Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All $157.50

Access through reserve fee (minor building works). Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All $546.00

Access through reserve fee (major building works). Fees for 2024-25

Act(s) name

Local Government Act 2020 Victoria

Approval time

Please allow up to twenty working days depending on the complexity of the works involved.

Administering agency

City of Monash

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.