You will need this licence if you are in training to carry on the business of controlling, destroying or repelling pests as a pest control operator.
There are three types of licence authorisations which may be listed on the licence depending on the type of pest control work to be undertaken and qualifications of the licence holder:
- pesticides (excluding fumigants) formulated for the control of arthropods, rodents, birds and fungi, which are used to control pests (other than pest animals)
- pesticides formulated for the control of pest animals
- pesticides in the form of fumigants.
A trainee must only apply pesticides for the control of a particular pest (e.g. ants) under direct supervision of a fully qualified pest control operator until such time as they have sufficient knowledge and skills to safely apply the relevant pest control pesticides under indirect supervision.
Additional licence authorisations may be added to an existing licence upon written request and upon satisfying the qualification requirements for that additional authorisation.