Prohibited / Restricted Access to Murray to Mountains Rail Trail - Victoria


You will require a permit to enter the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail if you intend to operate commercial activities in areas restricted by the local council.

A permit may be issued with restrictions or denied if you:

  • possess any glass vessel or utensil
  • use or leave a vehicle standing
  • intend on operating any model airborne vehicle, or wind powered airborne recreational craft (including kites)
  • plan on camping, or erecting structures of any kind
  • engage in any games or sports
  • operate machinery and / or power tools
  • possess alcohol
  • plan to bring animals or livestock into the area.

The council may deem that flora, fauna, geographical or geomorphological features or cultural values may be at risk, and deny a permit.

If council finds an area may pose a risk to the public they will deny a permit in the interest of public safety.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Please contact the council for information on requirements for this licence.

Act(s) name

Local Government Act 1989 Victoria

Administering agency

Contact the Local Council