To be eligible for this registration you must:
- be at least eighteen years old, or nominate an individual over eighteen years old if applying on behalf of a corporation
- submit an application on the approved form
- provide a Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct that you intend to implement if registered
- submit to a National Police Check
- provide any other documentation as required by the Agency
- provide a financial security deposit
- have appropriate bond arrangements in place
- provide finger and palm prints
- pay any required fees.
Registration is at the discretion of the Agency. The Agency will take into account a range of matters including:
- your reputation, and the reputation of any associates
- for corporate applicants, whether you have a satisfactory ownership, trust or corporate structure
- for corporate applicants, the suitability of all directors, partners trustees, executive officers and secretaries.
If you hold a licence in another State or Territory, and intend to conduct the work in Victoria, your licence may be recognised under the mutual recognition system.