Registration as an Architect - Victoria


You will need appropriate registration to work as an Architect in Victoria. Registration helps ensure the quality and safety of Victoria's built environment and protects the reputation of the architectural profession.

If you are not registered with the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV), you cannot:

  • describe or represent yourself as an 'architect'
  • use the terms 'architectural services', 'architectural design services' or 'architectural design' to describe your work

Graduates of an architectural qualification are also restricted from using certain terms and should refer to themselves as an 'architectural graduate', but not 'graduate architect'.

There are 2 classes of registration:

  1. Architect (practising)
  2. Architect (non-practising)

Generally, architects in the non-practising class of registration are no longer working in Victoria, retiring or will be on an extended leave.

The ARBV also approves architectural partnerships and companies.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

When registering for the first time, you must register as a practising architect. To register as an architect (practising), you must:

  • hold a qualification in architecture
  • have at least 2 years' practical experience
  • successfully complete one of the pathways to registration
  • pay the required fees when you apply
  • be covered by professional indemnity insurance
  • be a fit and proper person.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

To maintain registration as an architect (practising), you need to renew your registration each financial year by making the relevant declarations and paying the required fee. The declarations relate to meeting your CPD requirements and changes to your circumstances as a fit and proper person that may affect your registration.

You will also be required to provide your complete professional indemnity insurance policy as proof that you are covered by the required insurance.


The registration period is per financial year.


Each registration will be from the time registration is granted until 30 June of the same financial year.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $571.55

First registration fees for a practising architect:

  • application: $179.63
  • registration: $391.92.

Fees for 2024-25.

Apply Licence All $391.92

Annual registration for a practising architect. Fees for 2024-25

Vary Variation All $130.64

Application for request to change class of registration from architect (non-practising) to architect (practising) (after two years non-practising). Fees for 2024-25

Act(s) name

Architects Act 1991 Victoria

Regulation(s) name

Architects Regulations 2015 Victoria

Lodgement process


To apply for registration for the first time, go to the ARBV website portal to complete the online application form. Before you begin the application, you should ensure you have prepared the following supporting documents and information to be submitted with the application:

  • evidence of professional indemnity insurance - a copy of your certificate of currency
  • employment details
  • if employed by a non-registered company, you will need proof of employment, such as a letter from your employer, employment contract or payslip
  • if you are working as a sole trader, proof of your ABN (if applicable)
  • an assessment outcome letter - if your pathway to registration was through a competency-based assessment
  • an assessment outcome letter - if you completed the architectural practice examination in another Australian State or Territory
  • any conduct matters or criminal convictions as part of an assessment of your fitness to practice

Approval time

Applications can take 4 - 6 weeks to be processed.

Administering agency

Architects Registration Board of Victoria

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.