Statutory Guidelines on Research - Victoria


You will need to comply with these guidelines if you collect or handle health-related information for research purposes. These guidelines are created under the Health Privacy Principles (HPP) and relate to HPP 1 and 2.

The guidelines relate to the collection, use and disclosure of health information for research or the compilation or analysis of statistics. They set strict requirements that apply in circumstances where it is impractical to use de-identified health information and to seek the individuals consent to the collection, use or disclosure of the information.

Service type

Code of Practice

A code of practice is a set of rules which details how people in a certain industry should behave. A code of practice can be defined as a result of legislation or by industry regulators and bodies.

Other resources

Task Business Structure Resources Important
Comply All Statutory Guidelines on Research - Health Privacy Principles - Please contact the responsible agency for more information. Important

Act(s) name

Health Records Act 2001 Victoria

Additional information

The governing legislation regulates and establishes privacy principles and standards for the handling, collection, use, disclosure and access to health information. This includes information that is collected in providing health, mental health, disability, aged care or palliative care services.

Administering agency

Department of Health

Contact details

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