You will be required to comply with these guidelines if you intend to transfer or close a health service business or practice. A health service carries out any of the following activities:
- assess, maintain or improve an individual's health
- diagnose an individual's illness, injury or disability
- treat an individual's illness, injury or disability.
Examples of a health service include a drug dispensing service (pharmacist), a disability service, a palliative care service or an aged care service.
These guidelines are created under the Health Privacy Principles (HPP) and relate to HPP 10. HPP 10 regulates what a health service provider must do with its records when the practice or business is to be sold, transferred or closed down. HPP 10 requires a provider to take steps to notify individuals who have received a service from the provider in accordance with these guidelines.
A notice has not been validly given unless the processes outlined in these guidelines have been followed.