Vehicle Modification Approval / Notification - Victoria


You may require this approval if you intend to modify a vehicle. This includes any alteration to the construction or equipment of a vehicle and installing or attaching any fitting or equipment to either the inside.

VicRoads must be notified of certain changes to vehicles, including any changes to the description of the vehicle such as change of engine, colour, LPG (liquid petroleum gas) conversion, adding or removing seats, or amending the gross vehicle mass (GVM) of a vehicle (for trucks and buses). This also applies to adding, removing or replacing seats.

Depending on the type of change, you may be required to obtain a vehicle assessment signatory scheme (VASS) certificate, and/or complete a change of vehicle description form.

Please contact VicRoads for more information on whether approval is required for your vehicle modification.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Changes to seating capacity must be carried out according to VicRoads guidelines. LPG installations must comply with Australian AS 1425, while CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) installations must comply with the technical requirements of the Australian Standards AS 2739.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please consult the responsible agency for information on fees to be submitted with your application.

Other resources

Act(s) name

Road Safety Act 1986 Victoria

Regulation(s) name

Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021 Victoria

Administering agency

Department of Transport and Planning


Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.