15-year No-coverage Determination - Western Australia


If you intend to construct a new gas pipeline, or construction has already commenced, you may apply for this determination if you want to have a 15-year period where no economic sanctions are placed on your gas pipeline.

The National Competition Council considers applications for coverage or revocation of coverage of pipelines and for greenfield pipeline incentives. The Council will make its recommendation on the outcome of your application to the appropriate Minister who will then make a determination in accordance with the National Gas Law.

The Council is also able to make decisions on the classification of natural gas pipelines and the form of regulation to be applied to a covered pipeline.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this determination you must provide:

  • a short description, and map, that identifies your pipeline and its route along with a website address where this information is available
  • a statement detailing why your project should be seen as the development of an undeveloped area
  • estimates of expenditure that has, or will be, incurred during the pipelines construction and details of how these estimates were calculated
  • estimates of the pipelines capacity and the extent to which you, and any associates, will utilise the pipeline
  • a statement of the services you will provide through the pipeline
  • a statement of the location your pipeline will serve and other sources of natural gas available
  • a statement detailing all existing, and proposed, pipelines within 100 km of the course of your pipeline
  • estimates of the reserves of natural gas that your pipeline will serve
  • estimates of demand along the route of your pipeline
  • the identity and interests of all parties involved in your pipeline
  • a statement of whether it is feasible to expand the capacity of your pipeline and, if so, an explanation of how this would be conducted and the cost involved
  • an estimate of annual cost of operating the pipeline
  • any other information you consider is relevant to your application.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $7500.00

The fee must be paid at the time of the application is lodged with the Council. Applicants should contact the Council in relation to the methods for paying the application fee. Fees for 2024-25


Other resources

Task Business Structure Resources Important
Comply All National Competition Council: Gas Guide - PDF (Opens in new window) Important

Act(s) name

National Gas Access (WA) Act 2009 Western Australia

Regulation(s) name

National Gas Access (WA) (Part 3) Regulations 2009 Western Australia

Application process


Any person may apply to cover a pipeline and any person may apply to revoke coverage of a pipeline. In both cases, the applications must be:

  • made to the Council in accordance with the Rules
  • contain information required by the Rules
  • must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

An electronic application should be emailed to Enquiries.

Approval time

The Council is subject to a general time limit of four months for making its recommendations and determinations.

Administering agency

National Competition Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.