Aerial Application of Agricultural Chemical Products - Western Australia


You will need to comply with a range of regulatory obligations if you intend to pilot an aircraft (including remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)) for the purpose of spraying agricultural chemicals such as insecticides, fungicides or herbicides.

You must:

  • hold the relevant qualifications
  • keep the required records for at least 3 years and have them available for inspection
  • meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Service type

Regulatory Obligation

An obligation defined in law. A business must comply with relevant services.

Eligibility requirements

The qualification requirements depend on the type of aerial spraying you intend to undertake. You must hold one of the following qualifications:

  • Spraysafe pilot accreditation
  • pest management technician licence with a pest control in crops and pastures endorsement
  • authorisation to apply a controlled chemical product
  • hold AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals and AHCCHM303 Prepare and apply chemicals if you occupy land over which an RPA is operated.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

You must keep records from each application of agricultural chemical product for 3 years and be available if requested by an inspector. The records you must keep are the:

  • date and time the product was applied
  • name and address of the person who applied the product
  • name and address of the owner or occupier of the land to which the product was applied
  • total area of the land on which the product was applied
  • location of the land
  • estimated velocity and the direction of the wind at the time of the application
  • name of the product that was applied
  • quantity and concentration of the agricultural chemicals applied per hectare
  • application equipment used
  • type of crops on which the product was applied.

Act(s) name

Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 Western Australia

Regulation(s) name

Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Aerial Application) Regulations 2018 Western Australia

Administering agency

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Agriculture and Food

Contact details

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