You will require this approval if you intend to deposit rubbish or refuse in a container other than an approved council supplied receptacle (rubbish bin).
You can apply for this approval if your premises consists of more than three dwellings, is used for commercial or industrial purposes, or is a food premises (such as a restaurant).
Separate approval is also required to dispose of industrial or commercial waste into a rubbish container or receptacle that is to be collected by the local council or an authorised person.
The following materials are classed as commercial or industrial waste:
- hot or burning ashes
- oil, motor spirit or other flammable liquid
- liquid, paint, or other solvent
- bricks, concrete, earth or other like substances
- drugs, dressings, bandages, swabs or blood samples unless placed in a sealed impervious container
- hospital, medical, veterinary, laboratory or pathological substances containing blood unless placed in a sealed impervious container
- syringes, needles, surgical hardware, broken glass, sharps or other sharp objects unless placed in a sealed impervious container
- cytotoxics, radioactive substances and dangerous chemicals.
The container must be kept in a sanitary manner and meet all applicable health standards.