Australian Standard 1698-1980 Protective Helmets for Vehicle Users - Western Australia


Note that this standard has been updated and you will need to meet the requirements set out in AS 1698:2006.

If you intend to operate an off-road motorcycle you must ensure that the motorcycle is not used unless the rider is wearing a protective helmet that complies with this standard.

This Standard specifies requirements for protective headgear for vehicle users, designed to mitigate the adverse effect of a blow to the head.

Service type

Code of Practice

A code of practice is a set of rules which details how people in a certain industry should behave. A code of practice can be defined as a result of legislation or by industry regulators and bodies.

Act(s) name

Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978 Western Australia

Regulation(s) name

Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Regulations 1979 Western Australia

Administering agency

Department of Transport

Transport Services

Driver and Vehicle Services

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.