To be eligible for this licence you must:
- be at least 21 years old
- hold a current WA dangerous goods security card (DGSC)
- have a satisfactory level of experience, knowledge and competency in the safe handling, storage and security of the explosives
- have made adequate arrangements for the safe and secure handling and storage of explosives
- ensure persons who will have unsupervised access to the explosives possess a DGSC and are authorised as secure nominees
- ensure that only persons authorised under the explosives regulations are supplied with explosives.
If you intend to apply as a partnership or company, you will need to have at least one appointed officer who must:
- be at least 21 years old
- be competent to safely engage in the activities authorised by the licence
- be competent to keep any explosive possessed under the licence secure
- hold a current DGSC.