Gasfitting Permit - Western Australia


You will need this permit if you intend to carry out gasfitting work. Gasfitting includes the operation, work or process in connection with the installation, removal, demolition, replacement, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a gas installation.

There are four classes of permit:

  • Class G - covers all gasfitting work except gasfitting work classified as of Class I, E, or P, including general gasfitting (natural gas, LP gas or mixed gases), installation and servicing of domestic, commercial, caravan and marine craft installations. Also covers trainee and apprentice permits.
  • Class I - covers gasfitting work on a consumer gas installation associated with a Type B appliance or gasfitting work on piping that has an operating pressure of more than 200 kPa, not being a Type B appliance or work classified as Class E or P.
  • Class E - covers gasfitting work associated with a mobile engine.
  • Class P - covers gasfitting work on a gas installation associated with the storage and dispensing of gas for the refuelling of a motor vehicle.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this permit, you must:

  • be a fit and proper person
  • have an adequate knowledge of the Act and regulations
  • have adequate theoretical and practical knowledge and adequate skills to carry out the gasfitting.

The knowledge, theoretical and practical knowledge and skill requirements vary according to the type of gasfitting work you intend to carry out.


One or five years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application Company, Co-operative, Incorporated Association, Other, Partnership, Sole Trader

Fee information is in the attached fee resource.


Other resources

Act(s) name

Gas Standards Act 1972 Western Australia

Regulation(s) name

Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 Western Australia

Administering agency

Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Building and Energy

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.