You may need one of these approvals if you intend to undertake agricultural activities on land that is part of a soil conservation reserve. A soil conservation reserve is any land designated as such by the Government.
In soil conservation reserves you need a licence to:
- light fires
- remove any part of any plant
- injure or destroy any plant
- bring any cattle, horse or other animal onto the land
- construct any fence, bank, channel or other work
- injure or interfere with the land in any way.
You may be able to purchase a lease over land in a soil conservation reserve from the Agency. A lease allows you to occupy the land and may allow you to undertake commercial activities subject to the conditions of the lease as set by the Agency.
It is also possible to enter into a voluntary conservation covenant with the Agency to protect native vegetation on your own property. A conservation covenant is a legally binding agreement that limits the activity you can conduct on your land for a fixed or perpetual period of time.