You will need to notify the agency if you operate a place that has not been classified as a major hazard facility and you:
- intend to store or handle more than the critical quantity (10 percent of the threshold quantity) of Schedule 1 substances at the place or more than the critical quantity of Schedule 1 substances is present, or likely to be present
- intend to implement a significant change to any plant, process, substance or layout to the place
- the agency directs you to provide notification.
Schedule 1 substances are dangerous substances and include liquified petroleum gases, natural gas and ammonium nitrate fertilisers. Examples of major hazard facilities include:
- oil refineries
- gas processing plants
- large chemical manufacturing plants.
If your facility is classified as a major hazard facility, you will need to develop a safety report for your facility and have it approved by the agency before you can store, handle or transport dangerous goods. You will need to operate your facility in accordance with the safety management system outlined in your approved safety report.
There are four classes of major hazard facilities:
- Class A - are major hazard facilities where Schedule 1 substances are used in or produced in an industrial production process of high complexity.
- Class B - are major hazard facilities where Schedule 1 substances are used in or produced in an industrial production process of medium complexity.
- Class C - are major hazard facilities where Schedule 1 substances are used in or produced in an industrial production process of low complexity or where Schedule 1 substances are stored but not used in or produced in an industrial production process and are, in the view of the agency, frequently handled.
- Class D - are major hazard facilities where Schedule 1 substances are stored but not used in or produced in an industrial production process and are, in the view of the agency, infrequently handled.