To be eligible for this licence you must:
- be at least 18 years old
- be a fit and proper person
- ensure that each person interested in the application or in the business or the profits or proceeds of the business is a fit and proper person
- ensure your business will not cause undue offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience to people who live, work or travel through the vicinity of your proposed premises
- have the suitable planning and health certifications for your premises
- have a kitchen equipped to provide meals, sufficient toilet facilities and a dining area set with tables and chairs.
If you intend to apply as a body corporate, each person who occupies a position of authority must be a fit and proper person.
If you intend to apply as an unincorporated body of persons who will not be joint licence holders, the body must:
- have a common interest of political, literary, sporting, social or other lawful nature and that the supply of liquor is incidental to associating
- appoint a trustee (who must be a fit and proper person).