Schedule 7 Retail Licence - Western Australia


You will need this licence if you intend to retail schedule 7 poisons.

Schedule 7 poisons include various agricultural chemicals. A comprehensive list can be found in the Poisons Standard.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Please consult with the Contact Officer for information on any eligibility requirements.


1 year


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $218.00

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All $162.00

Fees for 2024-25

General Duplicate Certificate All $44.00

Fees for 2024-25

Vary Variation All $87.00

Fees for 2024-25

Other resources

Task Business Structure Resources
Apply All Poisons Standard (Opens in new window)
Comply Company, Partnership, Sole Trader Guide to Applying for a Licence or Permit - DOCX (Opens in new window)

Act(s) name

Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 Western Australia

Regulation(s) name

Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 Western Australia

Application process


To ensure a timely decision about your application please:

  • complete all required sections of the application
  • attach all requested documentation
  • respond to requests from the Department for additional information as soon as possible
  • make sure appropriate staff are available if the Department needs to conduct an inspection of the premises.


A renewal application will be mailed to you two months prior to your licence's expiry.

Approval time

Applications will generally be processed within 4 weeks of their receipt

Administering agency

Department of Health

Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.