You will require this approval if you intend to transport butcher's waste. Butcher's waste includes animal skeletons, rib cages and inedible products from an abattoir.
You will need a council approved vehicle or container for transporting waste. A vehicle or container that is used for the transport of butcher's waste must not be used for the transport of food or drugs.
A council approved vehicle should be in good order and condition, and cleaned at the end of each days work. A vehicle should not be loaded with butcher's waste in a way that might cause offence to other people. An offensive manner may include the sight or smell of waste, or the presence of blood on the ground.
A council approved container should have all internal surfaces constructed of an approved, smooth, impervious material of an approved size. All the joints should be sealed and water-tight. A lid must be able to be fitted securely so the container is sealed.
Please consult the Contact Officer for more information.