You will need this accreditation to deliver the Hunter Learning, Education and Accreditation Program (LEAP).
Clubs, associations and individuals can apply to be accredited to deliver courses under the Hunter LEAP, such as the R-Licence accreditation course.
The Hunter LEAP provides best practice education and training for hunters to ensure they meet the legislative requirements for game licensing, firearms licensing, animal welfare and hunter safety standards in NSW. The program is designed to assist hunters acquire the appropriate qualifications for a restricted game hunting licence and NSW Firearms licence.
All accreditation courses for hunters must be approved by the Minister. If there is a course approved for a particular class and type of licence, a person is not eligible to be granted a licence of that class and type unless the person has successfully completed the course.
Please be aware that all trainers that are responsible for the delivery and assessment of LEAP courses are also required to be accredited.